I enjoyed watching black shows again like “Girlfriends, and “Half and Half” Obsessed again, but even that gets old fast. (I don’t really mean that, just for this moment. I love you Mona and Joan!)
Okay, so I guess I’m trying to say, book reading needs to balance with my old reruns. I have been reading books but again, it’s me rereading. A damn theme! Re watching old shows and rereading old books.
So I decided to add some new books to my list for 2021, especially for Black History Month. There is nothing like getting lost in a book. I know people like audiobooks, but I need to feel that book in my hands. Let me turn those pages, baby!
I’m sharing 5 books written by black authors to add to your book list.
1. In the kitchen with Keira Lashae
Keira is amazing! She has workouts that helps you get into shape, and they are fun! After having two kids, and pregnant with her third, she is living proof that her method works.
In her cookbook, she is sharing some vegetarian recipes that are not bland, and will hopefully let go some of the myths about plant based food.
2. You’ll never believe what happened to Lacey
This is a book to share what your bestie. This is also an actual humorous take on racial issues, if that was possible that goes on. The authors did a great job with this one. You won’t be able to stop laughing, and I need to laugh.
3. Serena Says
A relatable book for the preteen girl. This fiction book main character is a vlogger who is coming into her own.
You know what as a damn adult, you could relate to a book about self expression too. Hey look at me , I’m blogging myself.
Eric Jerome Dickey, one of my absolute favorite authors of all time, passed away last month.
Years ago I met him at an intimate small book signing, and he is so humble/ was so humble in person. Give yourself the pleasure of reading any of his books. An incredible gifted writer!
We all trying to get our shit together and continue to keep it together. 2020 definitely taught us a lesson about money. Two things I saw. I saw people hustle and explode and I saw people lose a lot, due to the pandemic.
I do not have all the answers, but let’s not get behind.
Do not forgot, to utilize that library if needed. I know I will.
Drop down below what books your read this month, or what books you looking forward to reading.
Thank you so much for reading,