Now that the holidays are here, get ready for these New Year’s Resolution posts to pop up. They will be on Facebook, on the gram, and from your bestie’s mouth to your ears.
I am all about making some changes for self-improvement, but I’m not waiting till Jan 1, 2021. (Personal decision) What I am doing is at the very least keeping my word on doing what I got to do for me. I decided that keeping my word to myself was even more important than keeping my word to someone else.
This is a verbal agreement between YOU and YOU. We got to continually treat ourselves like we matter, all the time. Even as simple as taking out the time to drink a cup of tea every morning.
I am not perfect, and making sure I do better. There were some things that I realized that really helped.
I’m sharing three ways we keep our word to ourselves. Your word is any promise you said you were going to do.

1. Actually block off at least 20 minutes to keep your word
2. Put notes in your phone, so you can have a reminder
3. Your list is too long in the first place
Actually Block off at least 20 minutes to keep your word
Once we block off the time, setting it up it’s easier to stick to. We basically set up an appointment that is as important as a date or a doctor’s visit . This time it involves one person. YOU.
Take this post, I have to curve out a time to do this, and it has to be at a time where I will not get distracted. Can you leave your phone in the other room? Can you carve out at least 20 minutes to get it done? I know that sometimes 20 minutes is the most we do have , depending on the day. You can still get a lot done in 20 minutes, especially if the habit of doing that is consistent. Don’t talk yourself out of it because you think 20 minutes is measly. Do not overthink it, just carve out the time.
One of my friends did not even know I still exercise (hmm) because I had stopped going to the gym. She was surprised I do home workouts. That’s only because I do it without being distracted, by answering my phone. (If it’s a back to back ringing, yeah, that may be an emergency, but that has not happened yet)
Put notes in your phone, so you can have a reminder
At this point, it may be easier to stick with typing up some notes in our phone memo. Adding to our calendar, or setting up an alarm.
If we can see the reminders, it’s easier to stick to it. This had worked for me after promising that I was going to pick up something from Target for myself and a baby shower gift ( I almost always wait to the day off to get a gift, therefore my ass be running around)
Something as simple as a note, can save us from unnecessary stress.

Your list is too long in the first place
I’m going to do this. I’m going to do that. If we are overwhelmed, we are going to burnout and not do anything! Sure, everything on that list can be done, but have to get to the first part first.
I was trying to pay off all my bills at one time, and got overwhelmed. Talked bad to myself, and everything. Then I decided to do it one by one. My starting goal was not realistic for me, but then you know I made some changes. The goal is the same, but I created a better system that works for me.
Y’all we actually got more time now. The list can get done, but dibble and dabble.
Taking care of yourself is not a luxury that can wait. Our goals can not just stay on the backburner because we get busy.
What resolutions are you going to work on?
Thank you for Reading,

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