Believe me, I am hoping this whole Covid stuff comes to a peaceful end, sooner rather than later. Even though WE all are not on lockdown, most of us are still spending more and more time at home.
Sure, I’m going out to the occasional restaurant, taking my walks on the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridge, but a lot is still not open. For starters, theaters are still closed. Movie theaters. Most of us are still home. The only thing is that we don’t want to be bored in the house and in the house bored.
Ironically, I just started watching TV again in January, this year. I was only watching Youtube, before January. Guess what, Netflix and cable gets old as hell real fast.
I’m sharing five ways we can better ourselves and improve our game, when we are home.
Some of us were meaning to catch up on our reading. This is the best time. A good book gets me carried away and I do not want to put the book down. Of course reading is for nonfiction and fiction books, but i’m suggesting getting your hands on a lot of good fiction books, so you can get lost in the story. It doesn’t even matter if you are reading the same book again. Do not forgot blogs too. (hint, hint, wink, wink)
Every time you read something, you do it with a different perspective. I know I read “The “Coldest Winter” at least three different times. You still get creative and learn no matter if fiction or nonfiction.

For some reason, an advertisement from the NY Post came on my facebook, back in early March. It was an advertisement for online courses. I enrolled in a course that I was already thinking about. (Google is listening to me or what?, Hi,google.) Take it seriously and enroll in a course or two to better yourself. Some things to learn are calligraphy, photography,or a new language. You can learn anything you want! The information is there.
We are coming out of this better than ever.
Sure, I don’t have a garden, but my cousin up the block does! (soon)
It was actually fun and relaxing to help out with the gardening. Guys, if we see fresh herbs and fruits in a garden, guess what we are going to use them in our cooking. It was a big difference in having some fresh peppers, as opposed to store bought ones. $aves money too.
Turns out gardening is a way to get some exercise in , too. Exercise is not on the list, but it goes without saying that exercising is a good hobby. That means that we make sure we are healthy.
Bonus. Holidays are basically here, and dried fresh herbs, in a nice package, makes a good gift too.

Let’s be honest a lot of hard problems come from lack of financial literacy. Learning about finances can take you from the struggle is real to thriving.
There is a wealth of information about financial resources on the web. The good thing about learning about fiances is that you can pass this information on to someone else. Some good books to read are “The richest man in Babylon” and “I will teach you to be rich” to obtain more knowledge.
There are plenty of resources out there.
I hope that whenever we are home, we do things that make us happy and continue to improve ourselves. What hobbies have you been taking up?
Thank you for reading,