Yes, we can agree that this has been a very different summer for, um, the world. Not just New York. Being stuck in the home for months, limited traveling, and not being able to see your friends and family.
The good thing is that a little bit of normal is happening. Just a bit. Well some things are on lockdown, there are still some things to do in New York. You know the greatest city in the world.
- Have a smoothie with your friend, while you go for a walk. Exercise. Get your stamina up.
- Go grab a drink. Dine outside. Why not if you feel safe.
- Do a glamorous picnic, actually enjoy it. Not just for the gram.
- Have lunch at one of the many outside dining that is around.
- It is time to get your nails done. Make a day out of it. Guys, pampering is important.
- Keep your hair up in the salon. My hair took a beating during Covid, a lot of pp I know hair did.
- Enjoy Brookfield Place or the Promenade. It’s free. It’s peaceful.
- Get your swimsuit out. Now is not the time to think about being out of shape. It do not matter. Get to the beach.
- Finally take those tourist pictures, without the crowd. Can you have ever imagined no crowds in Time Square?
- Shop if you can. We still live in a great city with great shopping.