If you know me, you know I like to eat a lot. This does not include limiting myself to only large heap of salads. Going to a gathering when you are the only one not eating meat can be a pain. To be honest, it can suck if you are depending on that being stomach savior for the day. It is uncomfortable. Some people even automatically assume that you are starving yourself. Can I have a dollar for every time someone suggested for me to “just pick out the meat”
I have been doing this for a while and learned three important tips to make me feel way more comfortable as a picky eater, yet alone a vegetarian. {I was always a picky eater} These tips should carry a beginner vegetarian, vegan, as well as a pescetarian. Let’s throw a flexitarian in as well. I know plenty of people who just want to eat less meat for a period of time.
Learn how to cook. You have to have your own back. (Just in general you should have your own back.) Now, I’m not acting like I’m some chef or anything, but I can whip up my own meals. There are tons of veg friendly videos on YouTube available and The Food Network. I do not have a particular favorite channel for cooking, but I do watch Mama Rosa, Sweet Pototo Soul, and The Fly Vegan. (Actually, just starting watching the last one) You can go on www.meetup.com and search a cooking class. I’m telling you anything you thinking about can be a found in those meetup groups.

Really think I want to try the Jalapeno Daiya for my macaroni and cheese. I love it hot.
Have a restaurant do the cooking. Sometimes your holiday gathering can be at the restaurant. Two times for a holiday I’ve been to a restaurant. We went to Red Losbster and Olive Garden. You do not necessarily have to go to a super fancy restaurant if you don’t want to. I know some disagree, but I do not always chose a simply veg restaurant. First of all, I’m the only person in my close circle that does not eat meat. You do have to know the menu and ask questions to the waiters/waitress. Yes asking questions can be annoying, but you have to have your own back. Do your research. If you find yourself at a gathering after the fact, just bring an appetizer or something with you. You will not be going hungry.
Have a host that you trust cook for you. Sometimes the host wants to um experiment and cook something different than their usual. Recently at a gathering, the host prepared Meatless meatballs from Trader’s Joes. She also prepared cabbage on the side. Now I’m not saying you going to have a full buffet of veg food waiting for you, but you can believe this helps. You can also bring a little dish too from the restaurant, or from your cooking at home.
Hopefully, these tips will help you out the next time you find yourself in a meaty situation.
I actually don’t like eggs ,so I prefer vegan desserts. Bringing a vegan pie like this apple one won’t go to waste. Fresh from Whole Foods.