As you know we were stuck in the house for months. To a certain extinct, it still feels like we are. I mean, sometimes having to wear a mask everywhere, takes the fun out of doing stuff.
The time stuck in the home, I really connected even more with my friends than ever before. I even made some new social media friends. Boss Brooke is amazing! Last weekend, for our second outing, me and friend, Candance decided that we all need to get together at least once a month.
If i’m being honest ,like any relationship, me and my friends would be mad at each other. I been cut off, I done cut off too. We will stop speaking, but thankfully the Pandemic was not one of those times. Guys, none of us need any extra drama this time, so time stuck in the home caused me to look at what I can do to continue to be a better friend.
I’m sharing Five ways to connect with your friends and show them how much you care about them.
Learn that $hit happens
Since we are grown ass women, things happen. Sometimes , if a kid is sick, or someone has to work late, plans have to get cancelled. Now before when you did not have as much responsibility, cancellations were less likely. Now the older you get the more life curves is coming. Good or bad.
Be patient, and understand when there is a cancellation. We should try not to take it personal. (singing Monica) Have a back up plan as needed.
Open up your mouth
A lot of drama could be avoided if you just speak up. If something is bothering you badly, say something. Letting things build up does nothing.
Actually say how you feel, with compliments
“It’s good to talk to you”.” I like hanging out with you”. Give some compliments. It’s not forced, It’s not phony. These are our friends!
One of my favorite things to do is to treat my friends. I do this by giving them small things that I know that they can appreciate. I’m talking about something as simple as a chocolate bar, because everyone needs chocolate. It could be a surprise lunch, or donating something they could use.
Hell, I’ve done it for work too. My coworker is obsessed with BTS! OMG. I gifted her some BTS souvenirs that I got when I went to Korea (last year of course, unfortunately not able to go this year) . She loved it.
Goal Getter
Work together on your goals with your friends. It could be meeting up for exercise, study time over zoom, a book that you both were supposed to read. A good circle has to be always uplifting each other. Inspired and setting new goals with each other.
What is your oldest friendship?