Totally taken in September, but technical difficulties. Same point of getting away.
I do like to travel and I do not mind flying to my destination. There are times through,(more than a few) when I waited to the very last minute to book my travel plans (Puerto Rico was way more expensive that time in 2014, but hell, I had fun)
Now sometimes my common sense kicks in and I say “Hold up,,!” and that’s where a stay cation takes place. It’s more cost effective for a last minute trip. A change of environment can be everything. I treat a stay cation like a real vacation, because it is. I may be a skip and a hop away from New York (I mean I can actually see the big buildings as I’m typing this) but I’m still in New Jersey which is still another state.
I recharged my batteries by doing the following
Don’t do any work.
I had to stop myself from talking about work. Grateful for sure, but I’ll talk about work during work hours.
You do not always have to answer.
I made sure I did not answer any phone calls from anyone who always calls me with their problems. I’m on vacation and I’m trying to relax. Now Ironically, I did not get any calls through from that person, but you get the point.
Enjoy the amenities.
I often forget to pack my swimsuit, but not this time. I made sure I packed my swimsuit so I can just stand there, since I need swimming lessons swim in the pool. Currently, I do not have a pool in my apartment, so this was a treat. I walked the boardwalk, had room service. I do not live directly outside a body of water, so I made sure I was able to look at it from my room. I was able to take in the calming effects of the water. The Hudson may be dirty but it’s still calming water.

Sometimes doing absolutely nothing is everything
Treat yourself
I had indulged in more than normal, but did not go too overboard but did indulge. They can be freebies too. I took a much longer bubble bath, and treated myself to some extra laying around the bed too.
DO what you want or your stay cation, but relaxing is the key.